Learn More About Preworkout Supplements

The main ingredient in most pre-workout products is caffeine, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Caffeine can be great in the appropriate amount,  It stimulates the body’s central nervous system, improves reaction time and can reduce fatigue.

Taking a pre-workout can also:

  • Give you extra energy for your workout.
  • Improve your exercise performance.
  • Help you recover faster after working out.

Fans of pre-workouts say these concoctions give them extra energy to exercise and help them recover faster afterward.

Patton walks you through the most common ingredients in pre-workout supplements and how they may help improve your performance.

Amino acids: There are 20 different kinds of these molecules, including beta-alanine, valine, isoleucine and leucine. Amino acids grow and repair muscles, decrease muscle soreness and aid in energy production,

Beta-alanine: This amino acid helps produce carnosine, which heplps with muscular endurance.

Caffeine: This common substance helps increase endurance for high-intensity exercise and can improve your focus and reaction time. Pre-workouts’ promise of increased energy, focus and performance is usually made possible through a jolt of caffeine,

Creatine: Popular among athletes, creatine supplies energy to your muscles. It can increase strength and improve your performance.

Glucose: Glucose is just another name for sugar, which is included in pre-workout supplements because it can increase your energy levels.

Nitric oxide: This compound, made of oxygen and nitrogen, increases your blood flow. “This may improve intense bursts of exercise, like when you’re doing sprints or weight-lifting, Patton says. “It can also help reduce inflammation and enhance recovery.

B vitamins: These vitamins play many roles in your body, but they’re especially helpful in converting food to energy and transporting nutrients through your body.

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